This project is about a Trading Bot for trading crypto currencies.
The application is written in Python and using the Kucoin API for requesting the market data and posting buy and sell orders.
The core program represents a framework for testing different trading strategies live or backtesting.
This project is about a game console based on the Arduino platform.
The console is using the arduino and two matrices for the visual representation of console games of the early gaming era, in this case Pong.
Machine Learning
This project represents my final high school thesis, for which I also received the award for Computer Science and Math at JugendForscht 2024 (student science competition).
In this thesis I explored ways and algorithms for improving basic number recognition via Machine Learning on very small datasets.
This website is my second attempt builing a portfolio website.
It features the basic information about me, and is using a database for bilingual support aswell a project database for easyily maintaining this website.
This project is a web-based Event Management System built using PHP. It allows users to manage events efficiently, providing functionality for user authentication, event creation, and event registration. The system is designed to be responsive, ensuring it works well on different devices.
This project implements a basic face recognition algorithm in Java, which also allows for the application of a bokeh effect (background blur) on the image. It is important to note that the face recognition algorithm uses color classification and edge detection for face identification, without any sophisticated machine learning methods.
This project is designed to classify floating-point data using various classification techniques. It includes Java-based tools for reading CSV datasets, processing data, and applying distance-based classification algorithms. The project uses well-known datasets like the Iris dataset and a Dry Bean dataset for testing and evaluating the classification logic.
This project comprises multiple ways for controlling a stepper motor with an Arduino.
While standard libraries were not working on the computers in school, I commissioned myself in creating my own library.
This minimalist web presentation template uses only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, no frameworks needed. Ideal for creating online presentations without external libraries, it's compatible with most devices and easy to host. Basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills are required for customization.
This project/website is my first attempt in creating a portfolio website.
It features the most basic information about me and is completely hard coded, so there no need for a backend, which was a requirement for myself, as it is hosted on a github subdomain.
Eventhough the website supports multiple languages which is done via JavaScript.
This project implements different algorithms to approximate the irrational constant pi.
This project implements different algorithms to approximate the irrational constant e.
Basic concepts of webdesign.