
My name is Max, and I study computer science.

I am always excited to learn new stuff.

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That's me!


Trading Bot




This project is about a Trading Bot for trading crypto currencies.
The application is written in Python and using the Kucoin API for requesting the market data and posting buy and sell orders.
The core program represents a framework for testing different trading strategies live or backtesting.

Arduino Game Console



This project is about a game console based on the Arduino platform.
The console is using the arduino and two matrices for the visual representation of console games of the early gaming era, in this case Pong.

Number Recognition


Machine Learning

This project represents my final high school thesis, for which I also received the award for Computer Science and Math at JugendForscht 2024 (student science competition).
In this thesis I explored ways and algorithms for improving basic number recognition via Machine Learning on very small datasets.

Portfolio V2






This website is my second attempt builing a portfolio website.
It features the basic information about me, and is using a database for bilingual support aswell a project database for easyily maintaining this website.

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About Me

Background I started my coding journey in 2016 when I was 12 years old. I gathered my first experiences during summer course for the Arduino Microcontroller at the student research center Phaenovum in Lörrach, Germany. Throughout the following years I continued developing basic knowledge in programming and computer science. A few years later, I discovered the web languages and was excited to learn them. During that time, I was limited to our families computer, which had time restrictions, so I was never able to fully immerse into programming. In late 2019, my school bought new computers, so they took some older computers out of service, which was in my favor because I was allowed to take some computers home. With the help of a friend, I upgraded and overclocked the computer till it was usable by modern standards. That marks a caesura in my coding journey.
After that I continued learning various languages and also improving my programming skills. Some languages I learned over the past few years are listed below in the Skills section. Over the past two years I developed an interest in Machine Learning, so I started my Machine Learning journey with another course at the Phaenovum. I just finished my first Machine learning project, and I am currently working on another project on image recoginition using special aspects for feature engineering.

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